Cardano Foundation是一家总部位于瑞士的非营利组织,其任务是推动Cardano成为跨行业的公共数字基础设施,该基金会今天宣布任命Giorgio Zinetti...
人工智能、5G 和云原生技术全球数字平台和服务领导者Tecnotree宣布与非营利组织EkStep基金会发起的People+AI计划合作,加入开放云计算(OCC)项目...
5 月 4 日,全球首个商业化、电网级重力储能系统——如东 25 兆瓦/100 兆瓦时 EVx 系统在中国天鹰公司 (简称 CNTY) 成功测试并投入使用,县委书...
Kirin Holdings Company, Limited (Kirin Holdings)(TOKYO:2503)与日本国立传染病研究所(NIID)正在联合开展研究,调查乳酸乳球菌菌株血浆[后...
In the realm of digital design and advanced computing, the XCS20-3VQ100C emerges as a fundamental tool, streamlining FPGA solution...
Curia & Carterra Biologics Symposium Biologics symposium slated for May 31 in Seattle, WA ALBANY, N.Y. and SALT LAKE CITY, M...
In the realm of digital design and advanced computing, the XC3S200-4PQG208C emerges as a cornerstone, providing the foundation for...
Enhancements bring greater automation and visibility into compliance management; higher ROI through lower cost of ownership LOS...
摘要: 百年招商 高新CID 书香住品 当住宅不再是冰冷的单一卖点堆砌,情感的链接主义式的生活方式正在打开一扇行业新发展大门!真正考虑到当下...